This year we piloted the Advanced Certificate on Occupational Learning: Learning and Development Advisor, on NQF Level 7. Learners had to submit more than 50 practical assignments to be declared ready for the EISA. This gave me the idea to share their products with other learning providers and learners in occupational and vocational learning. So, I asked the learners who achieved a distinction for assignments for permission to publish their submissions as articles on our Intgrty website. Articles are published unanimously for obvious reasons.

What questions will you ask to evaluate the results, impact and effectiveness of RPL?
Results of RPL
1. Achievement of Objectives:
- Did the RPL process meet the intended goals and objectives for both the candidate and the institution?
- Did the candidate achieve the desired qualification or credits?
2. Evidence Validation:
- Was the evidence provided by candidates sufficient, valid, and reliable?
- Did the evidence align well with the learning outcomes or competency standards?
3. Completion Rates:
- How many candidates successfully completed the RPL process?
- What was the ratio of candidates who started RPL versus those who
- achieved their objectives?
Impact of RPL
4. Candidate Progression:
- Did the RPL process enable candidates to progress to further learning or career opportunities?
- How many candidates were admitted to higher education or advanced standing as a result of RPL?
5. Workplace Relevance:
- Did the RPL process contribute to improving workplace competencies?
- How has the RPL experience impacted the candidates’ performance in their current roles?
6. National Skills Development Goals:
- Did the RPL process align with national skills development and transformation objectives?
- Has RPL improved access to education for underrepresented or disadvantaged groups?
Effectiveness of RPL
7. Process Efficiency:
- Were the timeframes and procedures of the RPL process manageable and efficient?
- Were candidates satisfied with the guidance, assessment, and feedback provided?
8. Candidate Experience:
- How satisfied were candidates with the RPL process?
- Did candidates find the guidance, portfolio development, and assessment clear and supportive?
9. Assessment Quality:
- Were the assessors trained and qualified for the process?
- Was the assessment process fair, consistent, and transparent?
10. Support Systems:
- Was adequate support (e.g., facilitators, materials, and workshops) provided during the RPL process?
Were candidates given sufficient opportunities to address gaps in evidence or learning?